Kraftling Blog

Our mission? To inspire you to a conscious, happy and active lifestyle! And that as simply as possible. Here you will find our best tips.


8 clevere Tipps, wie Du mehr trinkst

How much should you drink? There is no life without water - a person cannot survive long without water. A person can survive for several weeks without solid food and only three to four days without water. Our body consists of approx. 70% water and already loses 2.5 liters without physical exertion...

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8 Tipps für einen erholsamen Schlaf
How many hours do you sleep? How much sleep you need is very individual and differs from person to person. It is important that you have a restful sleep, because this can have an enormous effect on your health, well-being...
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Ingwer Shots

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Energy Shots

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NEU: Protein Riegel

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Frische Riegel

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