Kräftige Gründe für Dein Kraftling-Abo

Maximale Flexibilität
Du kannst Dein Abo jederzeit pausieren, verändern oder kündigen!

Spare bis zu 20%
Spare durch die Bestellung der Produkte im Abo bis zu 20% auf den Originalpreis.

Frische & gekühlte Lieferung
Wir liefern Deine Kraftlinge alle 2 oder 4 Wochen gekühlt mit DHL bis vor Deine Haustür.

Deine Lieblingsprodukte
Ändere jederzeit die Anzahl und Zusammenstellung Deiner Abo-Produkte.
How do I take out a Kraftling subscription?
You can order any of our products as a subscription. Simply select the "Subscription" option on the respective product page and choose your delivery interval. Once you have all the products you want in your shopping cart, complete your order as usual. It is best to create a customer account if you don't have one yet. From now on you can manage your subscription here at any time.
Our recommendation for your subscription
How about one of our stock rations? We have put together various colorful mixtures that will provide you with delicious kraft ingredients for a whole month.
Do you have any questions in advance about the Kraftling subscription? Then feel free to take a look at our FAQs or write to us at
How do I manage my Kraftling subscription?
You can adjust your subscription yourself at any time with just a few clicks in your customer account. Here we show you step by step all the important subscription functions. If you do need help, please contact us at
Please create a customer account first so that you can manage your subscription. Be sure to use the same email address as for your order and activate your account using the activation link that you receive from us by email.
Can't access your account? Then please use this link !

Logge Dich in Dein Kundenkonto ein und klicke dann oben auf "Abo verwalten". So gelangst Du zu einer Übersicht Deiner Abos und kannst diese bearbeiten.
Please note that the shipping date is chosen individually for each product. If all products are to be sent in one delivery, please adjust the date for all products. To do this, click on edit for the respective product in the subscription overview. Then click on the next shipping date and select your desired date in the calendar. Confirm by clicking on “Update shipping date” .

Please note that the delivery interval is selected individually for each product. To do this, click on edit for the respective product in the subscription overview. Then click on the field with the delivery interval, select either every 2 weeks or every 4 weeks and click "save" .
In the subscription overview, click on "Add product" at the top. Now you can select your desired products from the product list or find your favorite product using the search.

In the subscription overview, click on edit for the respective product. Under your contact details you will find the option "Delete product from subscription" .
If you wish to cancel your entire subscription , please repeat the steps for all active products in your subscription.
In the subscription overview, click on edit for the respective product. Here you will find all the options to adjust your subscription for this individual product.

You don't want to receive a certain product in your next subscription delivery this time? Then click on edit for the respective product in the subscription overview. Below the product, click on the “Skip product in subscription” button. Confirm by clicking on “Skip” . The shipping date will now be adjusted automatically and you will receive the product again with your delivery after next.
Would you like to subscribe to a product again? In the overview below you will also see your inactive subscription products and you can click on " reactivate" for the desired product.

Wenn Du Dein Abo kündigen möchtest, brauchst Du nur alle aktiven Produkte aus Deinem Abo zu entfernen.
Wähle dazu im Menü "Abos bearbeiten" und klicke dann beim entsprechenden Produkt auf "Dieses Abo bearbeiten". Klicke unten auf "Abo für dieses Produkt stornieren". Wiederhole das für alle weiteren Produkte in Deinem Abo.
Unter "Nächste Bestellung ansehen" kannst Du nun einsehen, dass keine weiteren Lieferungen für Dich geplant sind.
Do you have further questions or need help with subscription management? Then feel free to have a look at our FAQs or write to us at