Does exercise help with stress?
Our Ambassador (Instagram @life.of.stef ) has dealt with this topic and shares some insights with us. "Many appointments, trouble with colleagues, too many tasks to do... everyone knows these problems/stressors. But what is actually happening in the body here? In short: blood sugar, cortisol and adrenaline levels rise and in the long term this is not healthy for the body ."
So what to do? Does exercise and sport really help here?
Hormones that reduce your stress and lift your mood are endorphin and serotonin. These are produced in large quantities during sport and lead to the good feeling that you often get after half an hour of sport.
Regular exercise stimulates blood and oxygen supply to the brain . And since fresh gray cells and mental fitness are the be-all and end-all so that you can get through everyday life with less stress, the circle closes here.
Sport not only increases your concentration, but also promotes distraction. By putting your complete focus on the movement, many small problems fade into the background.
Regular exercise activates the metabolism in your body and trains the release of the stress hormones adrenaline, noradrenaline, insulin or cortisol. This will make you more resistant to stress in the long run! And that's positive in every way.
What role does sport play in coping with stress?